
Saturday, January 30, 2010

Final Day of Fasting

Well, we've done it! We have completed 21 days of fasting. Today is our final day and tomorrow we break our fast. I've had such terrific experiences during my fast I am actually a little sad to see it end. Of course, I would very much like a cup of coffee, so break my fast I will!

But today, on our last day of fasting, I thought I'd share what I read in one of my devotions today.
1 Corinthians 4:20 "For the kingdom of God is not a matter of talk but of power."

During this fast, I pray that the one thing that has solidified in my spirit and in yours is that we cannot talk the talk but we MUST walk the walk.

As Christians we are very good at talking. We can preach to someone about how they should live their lives or what they should believe. We tell our children what their morals and beliefs should be. But do we live it out in our daily life? Do our children learn to love their enemies because we've talked about it or because we've lived it. Do people around us see the love of Christ because we're busy talking about it or because we live it in the office, at the grocery store, in traffic or where ever our journey takes us day to day?

Our beliefs shape our values and our values should shape our lives. Our lives should show the world what Christ is all about. Our lives are living testimonies about Jesus. And they can either draw people to Him or repel them away from Him. I pray my life draws people to Him.

Paula Reinhart said "What God asks of us is both simpler and more profound than adherence to a system of beliefs or following a set of rules. He asks us to walk with him through the blood and guts of our real experience in an honest pilgrimage where we let him show us what real strength, and real love, are all about."

The Bible isn't a book with a bunch of rules in it. It's alive and so very relevant to every situation of life. He wants us to have a daily relationship with Him and through that relationship, we won't be able to help but live out His will for our lives. And that is exactly what will draw people to Christ. If I live for Him, He will be glorified.

I pray my life reflects Christ. As I ponder today about what my life, every single part of my life, truly reflects. I pose the same question to you. What does your life reflect, if someone from the outside was looking in, what would they see?

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